martes, 2 de abril de 2024



Weather conditions can definitely affect and change our way of life. In this unit we will talk about extreme weather and how to pack for a trip.

Here are some activities you may find useful for practice:




Click on the picture and download a presentation  to learn the weather vocabulary.

What's the weather like today? Use these flashcards to learn:

Take these quizzes to learn:

Click on the picture below to watch a video about the world weather forecast:

Click on the image below to play a kahoot game:

Click HERE to play a game.
Learn the weather vocabulary HERE.

Now do a listening activity. Click on the picture below:

English people love talking about the weather. True or false? Watch this VIDEO and find out.

Compound nouns: things to take on a trip:

 Use these flashcards to learn some compound nouns:


 Now, get some practice:


Listen and match:


lunes, 25 de marzo de 2024

Traditional costumes-Minibooks

Flip through the pages of these beautiful minibooks by some of the 1st ESO bilingual students and enjoy reading about traditional costumes in different countries and regions in the world. 

Ancient Greece by Unai Villasante:

Andalucía by Llara Pulido:

Brazil by Alicia Campo:

China by Hugo Fernández:

Colombia by Ainara Díaz:

Mongolia by Martín Gancedo:

Puerto Rico by Tania Dulap:

martes, 12 de marzo de 2024

Promotional tourism spots

Our Selgas 1st Bachillerato students believe Cudillero and Muros del Nalón are awesome places with a wide range of activities and stunning food on offer. Check these out!

Matthew Harvey, Berta Parejo, Arben Bautista and Olaya Rodríguez masterfully unveil the secrets of Cudillero and its surroundings.

Sabela Bermúdez, Carla Lorences and Daniel Lastra tell us all about their hometown and the many activities and gorgeous food available. 

Carlota Rodríguez, Gastón Gómez and Leila Fernández reveal yet other surprises and wonders to be found in Muros del Nalón and its surrounding area.

UNIT 5-I wish you were here



Click on the picture to watch the presentation.

Listen to this awesome song by Pink Floyd and fill in the blanks.

Get some practice with this rephrasing exercise:

Easier version of the activity above:

Get some extra practice:

Grammar test 1 and grammar test 2

Multiple choice exercise

UNIT 5-Natural disasters



Natural disasters are natural events that cause great damage or loss of life. Use the flashcards to learn natural disasters and phenomena.

Practice what you've learnt with the activity below:

UNIT 3-Clothes



Learn the clothes vocabulary with these interactive activities:

Choose the correct word:


Match the words and the pictures

Listen and find the right picture:

Match the descriptions and the people:

A little more difficult:

Describing clothes: play these games to learn useful adjectives to describe clothes.