martes, 6 de febrero de 2024


This unit is about health and well-being, so apart from improving and practising your English, you will learn lots of interesting things that can help you have a better health. 

Ready? Let's start!

Here you can practise the new vocabulary studied related to HEALTH and WELL-BEING:

Time to learn some new grammar: MODAL VERBS. You can try this matching activity to see when to use each:

Need more practice? Here you have some:

Time to learn about HEALTHY HABITS. This included studying some new PHRASAL VERBS:

Now, try this crossword to check your knowledge:

Then we studied GERUNDS and INFINITIVES. There are some rules that can help you decide, but PRACTICE is everything. So here you have some:

If you need more traditional exercises, here you have plenty:

After all this hard work, you deserve some fun practice. Why don't you try this "rosco"? It only includes healthy foods:

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