martes, 14 de mayo de 2024

Vegetable garden for beginners

Does the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development ring a bell with you? Among its 17 targets, numbers 12 and 13 relate to our school's iniatiative to start a small garden. The 1st bachillerato students did some research and learned a great deal about some fruits and vegetables that can be easily grown. Click on the pictures to watch their videos.

Group MBA, i.e., Matthew Harvey, Berta Parejo and Arben Bautista enlighten us about the modest lettuce. If I were you, I wouldn't miss it for the world!

Carlota Rodriguez, Leila Colodrón, Michaela and Gastón Gómez find it hard to make up their minds on what to grow, but eventually they do. What are they up to?

And last but not least, Sabela Bermúdez, Carla Lorences and Daniel Lastra are convinced that strawberries could make a stunning crop. Yummy!


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