miércoles, 19 de junio de 2024

LA REGENTA: A GUIDED TOUR OF OVIEDO (4th ESO Interdisciplinary Project)

Nearly two months ago, in April,  students in 4th ESO enjoyed a trip to Oviedo as part of the school trips funded by the school for each level. The Spanish Language Department organized the visit and decided to show students the main sights in the city related to the novel "La Regenta", by Leopoldo Alas Clarín. The visit also included going to the Museum of Fine Arts. 

Students had a task: they had to take a photo of their favourite sight, sculpture, painting, building... and then write a short text giving the main information about it and explaining why they had chosen it.

Finally, some students prepared a Sway presentation with all this information. The purpose was to allow other students to get to know more things about the city.

Here you have their presentation:

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