lunes, 21 de febrero de 2022


This popular song from the 1980s was written by Chrissie Hynde, vocalist of The Pretenders, for his friend John McEnroe, the popular tennis player. Click on the image below and listen to the song while watching its official video, a tribute to a TV spy series from the 1960s, The Avengers. 

As you must have guessed by now, the English pill is in the chorus of the song:

Don't get me wrong! (No me malinterpretes...) 

People say this when they want to make sure that someone understands their comments correctly, especially when they are criticizing something. It is often used when you think someone may understand your remarks wrongly, or be offended y them.

Don’t get me wrong, I think this is a good restaurant but they should have better service


Don't get me wrong, I like Janet, but she can be a little bossy sometimes

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